February 27th, 20141252Lawyers confirm with family that Dr Essam AlHaddad hasn’t seen any lawyers since his incommunicado detention /enforced disappearance in the Republican Guard and since his transfer in Tora prison under the authority of the Minister of Interior.
In his court hearing they refused to let him out of the “glass box” to speak with his...
December 20th, 20133179"We didn’t know that this day will be our last day to visit my husband at the Republican Guard Club." Dr. Esam's wife.
Dr. Essam was transferred to the Scorpion wing maximum-security wing of the Tora prison. Dr. Essam and other aids who disappeared on July 3rd, 2013 have not been interrogated or officially accused of...
The Rabaa' protest was raided by Egyptian security forces that massacred the protesters on August 14, 2013. Shortly after that, an arrest warrant is released for Gehad El-Haddad. He is arrested on September 13, 2013.Case Updates
Dr. Essam El-Haddad served as a foreign affairs advisor to Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. On the night of the Egyptian military coup, he was disappeared from his family home in the dead of night.